Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 cut corners telephone Rare
Here is a Yellow Stromberg Carlson 1543 Cut corners telephone that has been restored. These are very hard to find in this condition. SC 1543 telephones in color are rare. Most were made in black.
One unique thing about these is they have cut corners and some call these Cut corners phones.
Nice working phone with matching cords.
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